Decomposing full-waveform borehole acoustic data with application to data from a North Sea well

TitleDecomposing full-waveform borehole acoustic data with application to data from a North Sea well
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsHaldorsen, JBU, Stensrud, E, Merciu, I-A, Miller, D
PaginationIM71 - IM95
Date PublishedJan-07-2016

The objective of this study is to establish whether sonic data acquired in a cased hole can be used to estimate the material behind a second casing when the annulus between the two sets of casings is fluid filled. We have analyzed full-waveform data acquired using the Schlumberger tool Sonic Scanner for a double casing with a fluid between them, and where the outer annulus, outside the outer casing, might be cement filled or fluid filled. The sonic tool uses a cylindrical array of 104 omnidirectional receivers. The cylindrical array — approximately 4 in. in diameter and 1.8 m (6 ft) long — allows a formal decomposition of the acquired data into quasi-plane waves. Analyzing these plane waves, we have identified subtle but distinct changes in the waveforms. These changes appear to be dependent on the material filling the outer annulus, allowing for the determination of the fill material. The most significant changes relate to the propagating Stoneley waves. The identifications made are confirmed by cement bond log (CBL) analysis done on the exposed outer pipe after pulling the inner pipe. In one instance, for single-casing logging and a clean top-ofcement, like with conventional CBL analysis, we were able to confidently and accurately identify the cement/fluid boundary. In another instance, we were able to identify it as a nondistinct/ smooth transition zone. For double-casing logging, we could confidently and accurately identify the cement/fluid boundary behind the second casing. For one case, we have substantiated that this zone has a longer interval of smooth transition from cement to consolidated/unconsolidated barite to a fluidfilled annulus.
