MIT ERL Annual Founding Members Meeting 2025: Solid Earth Science for the Energy Transition

May 20, 2025 (All day) to May 22, 2025 (All day)


ERL Researchers

Each spring ERL invites representatives of our Founding Member companies and other supporters to the MIT campus to hear about our latest work. This year we will also be focusing on building new collaborations within MIT. This year’s meeting will take place 5/20-5/22. If you areinterested in attending, please contact

We will post more details here when they are available, but the high-level agenda will be as follows:

Tue. 5/20 evening: Welcome reception in Building 54/55 atrium

Wed. 5/21: Full day of technical talks in building 55, followed by a river/harbor dinner cruise

Thu. 5/22: Half-day of technical talks in building 55, followed by a business meeting for representatives of member companies