Two New Applied Math Classes Offered by ERL Instructors

Jan 2, 2018 - 10:00 AM EST


Prof. Laurent Demanet, Dr. Aimé Fournier, Dr. Phillippe Ricoux

For IAP and Spring 2018 ERL-afiliated instructors will be offering two new subjects for graduate students through the Mathematics department with applications to geophysics and a variety of other fields.  During IAP, Dr. Aimé Fournier of ERL/EAPS and Dr. Phillippe Ricoux of of our partner company Total SA will offer "18.S998: How to Build Numerical Simulations of Multi-Scale Physics."  In the spring, ERL/Mathenatics Prof. Laurent Demanet will offer "18.327: Computational Inverse Problems."  MIT students may register for either class via the Registrar's system.