Global Methane Pledge: Who Ya Gonna Call?

TitleGlobal Methane Pledge: Who Ya Gonna Call?
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsEtkind, J, Dunlop, J, Shackleton, D, Crompton, J, Fournier, A, Hegland, J, Kleinberg, R, Livescu, S
JournalJournal of Petroleum Technology
Date Published01

Upon hearing the Global Methane Pledge (GMP) announced at COP26 in October, wherein more than 100 countries committed to reduce methane emissions from all human-caused sources by 30% and by 75% for all fossil fuel sources from 2020 levels by 2030, the first question that sprang to many a mind was, “Just how was this highly ambitious and aspirational pledge going to be delivered and by whom?” ... SPE, as the technical home for more than 140,000 oil and gas professionals, can play an important role as a force in scaling the key ready-to-deploy collaborative efforts.