
Dr. Jose Angel Martinez-Lorenzo, Assistant Professor at Northeastern U., presents "Subsurface Sensing and Imaging at Speed using Information-Theory in 4D and Fused Thermoacoustic, Electromagnetic, and Acoustic/Seismic Wavefields" at the MIT Earth Resources Laboratory.
"Dr. Jose Martinez-Lorenzo is an Assistant Professor at Northeastern University, Boston, MA; where he acts as the Director of the Sensing, Imaging, Control and Actuation Laboratory. He holds a joint appointment in the Departments of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering. Prof. Martinez-Lorenzo’s research focus is on high-capacity sensing and imaging systems, with an emphasis on computational modeling of acoustic, thermoacoustics, and electromagnetic waves through complex media, including analysis and design of electromagnetic and acoustic metamaterials and sensors; physics-based signal processing and machine learning, including compressive sensing and information-based imaging and optimization; microwave, millimeter wave and acoustic mechatronics system design and integration; and high-performance computing in multi-core architectures. This fundamental research is applied to diverse problems, including but not limited to civil infrastructure assessment using swarms of drones and deep-learning radar, environmental sensing using distributed sensor networks, and “on-the-move” detection of explosives-related threats. He received a 2017 NSF Early CAREER Award, for the research program entitled 4D mm-Wave Compressive Sensing and Imaging at One Thousand Volumetric Frames per Second; and he is a PI in the DoE-BES-Geosciences program. His work on computational modeling, sensors, compressive sensing, and machine learning has received four Best Paper Awards in conferences with over 1200 papers. He has published over 70 journal papers and 130 conference papers, and his work has been featured by CNN, NBC, New York Times, and Wired Magazine."