
Dr. Ali Dogru, a Saudi Aramco Fellow at Saudi Aramco and ERL Fellow at MIT, presents "Recent Developments and Challenges in Ultra Large-Scale Computational Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Reservoirs" at the MIT Earth Resources Laboratory.
"Continuing progress in Supercomputing Industry and rapidly evolving Exascale capability offers great potential for better understanding the response of reservoirs with multi-phase flow. Rapid progress in computing hardware and software opens the door for reducing uncertainty in the model predictions. Both exploration and producing benefits from this progress.
This talk will briefly summarize the numerical methods used to solve the coupled nonlinear PDEs. Utilization of over hundred million to tens of billions and much larger number of grid blocks will be discussed.
Presentation will cover the planned computational resources in the order of 20 Petaflop machine including both CPUs and GPUs to tackle super large-scale simulation problems."
Dr. Ali H Dogru is the Aramco fellow, member of National Academy of Engineering and ERL Fellow at MIT. He has received his Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering/ Applied Mathematics from The University of Texas in 1974. His early industrial career include Mobil R&D Company and Core Laboratories in Dallas. His academic career covers The University of Texas, California Institute of Technology and Norwegian Institute of Technology. He has been working with Aramco since 1988. He is specialized in numerical simulation of multiphase flow in large scale reservoir simulation and flow in pipes and surface networks. He has numerous US patents and publications. Various professional awards he has received include SPE’s John Franklin Carll Award.