Post-breakthrough evolution of viscous fingers

TitlePost-breakthrough evolution of viscous fingers
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2022
AuthorsPrimkulov, B, Qiu, Y, Jia, R, Juanes, R
Conference NameAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts
AbstractViscous fingering instability occurs when a less viscous fluid displaces a more viscous fluid within porous media. It has been extensively studied with pore-scale simulations and bench-scale experiments over the past several decades. Yet very little is known about how viscous fingering patterns evolve after the displacement front reaches the outer boundary of the domain. Here, we use a combination of microfluidic experiments and pore-network simulations to rationalize the evolution of these patterns under various capillary numbers and viscosity ratios. We discuss our findings in the context of regime crossovers within Lenormand's phase diagram (Lenormand et al., JFM 1988, Primkulov et al., JFM 2021).