
Charles-Henri Clerget
  • Postdoctoral Associate 2018-2019
  • PhD, Mathematics and Control, MINES ParisTech / Total, 2017
  • MS, Sciences and Executive Engineering, MINES ParisTech, 2014
Biographical Overview
Dr. Clerget joined ERL in June 2018 to work with Laurent Demanet and Aimé Fournier on risk assessment of drilling operations in depleted reservoirs. In 2019, his startup company Acoustic Wells won the MIT $100K entrepreneurship competition. He received his PhD in Mathematics and Control from MINES ParisTech, France in December 2017. His work was funded by TOTAL and studied the control and dynamic optimization of systems exhibiting time-varying delays. This research has been applied for the control of industrial processes in oil refining. His main research interests include control theory, optimal control and data assimilation.