Arthur C.H. Cheng
  • ERL Fellow, MIT
  • Professor, National U. Singapore
Biographical Overview
Arthur Cheng ScD '78 is a professor of petroleum geosciences at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his PhD in geophysics from MIT in 1978 under Prof. Toksöz, for work on seismic waves in porous rocks. He stayed on as principal research scientist and became the project leader of the borehole acoustics and logging consortium. After an accomplished career in industry (1996-2014), Cheng returned to academia and became a professor at NUS. He is a former member of the EAPS Visiting Committee at MIT and was awarded a Life Membership from the Society of Exploration Geophysicists in 2013. His research interests include acoustic, elastic, and tube waves in boreholes; rock physics; anisotropy; and fracture physics. In 2018 he was named one of the first three ERL Fellows.