Induced Seismicity & Other Hazards
Multiphysics and multiscale earthquake modeling
The effect of roughness on small earthquakes
Bayesian moment tensor inversion and uncertainty quantification for induced seismicity – uncertainties from both the location and velocity model
“Bayesian moment tensor inversion and uncertainty quantification for induced seismicity – uncertainties from both the location and velocity model”, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts. 2017.
, Hearing what fractures say – A combination of seismic and speech recognition methods
“Hearing what fractures say – A combination of seismic and speech recognition methods”, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts. 2017.
, Electronic structure of iron in magnesium silicate glasses at high pressure
“Electronic structure of iron in magnesium silicate glasses at high pressure”, Geophysical Research Letters, no. 2424, 2012.
, Experimental studies of the acoustic wavefield near a borehole
“Experimental studies of the acoustic wavefield near a borehole”, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2013SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2013. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2013.
, Waveform-based Bayesian full moment tensor inversion and uncertainty quantification of the induced seismicity using a surface network in an oil/gas field in Oman
“Waveform-based Bayesian full moment tensor inversion and uncertainty quantification of the induced seismicity using a surface network in an oil/gas field in Oman”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016, Dallas, Texas, 2016.
, Analysis of focused indirect ultrasound via high-speed spatially localized pressure sensing and its consequences on nucleation
“Analysis of focused indirect ultrasound via high-speed spatially localized pressure sensing and its consequences on nucleation”, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, vol. 117, pp. 186 - 194, 2017.
, Assimilation of Satellite Active Fires Detection Into a Coupled Weather-Fire Model
“Assimilation of Satellite Active Fires Detection Into a Coupled Weather-Fire Model”, 5th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference. International Association of Wildland Fire, Portland, OR, 2016.