M. A. Taylor, A. Cyr, S. , and Fournier, A. ,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Non-oscillatory Advection Operator for the Compatible Spectral Element Method , vol. 5545. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 273 - 282.
A. Fournier, Rosenberg, D. , and Pouquet, A. ,
“Dynamically adaptive spectral-element simulations of 2D incompressible Navier–Stokes vortex decays ” ,
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics , vol. 1031531550, no. 2-3, pp. 245 - 268, 2009.
H. Wang, Tribbia, J. J. , Baer, F. , Fournier, A. , and Taylor, M. A. ,
“A Spectral Element Version of CAM2 ” ,
Monthly Weather Review , vol. 135, no. 11, pp. 3825 - 3840, 2007.
D. Rosenberg, Fournier, A. , Fischer, P. , and Pouquet, A. ,
“Geophysical–astrophysical spectral-element adaptive refinement (GASpAR): Object-oriented h-adaptive fluid dynamics simulation ” ,
Journal of Computational Physics , vol. 215, no. 1, pp. 59 - 80, 2006.
A. Fournier ,
“Exact calculation of Fourier series in nonconforming spectral-element methods ” ,
Journal of Computational Physics , vol. 215, no. 1, pp. 1 - 5, 2006.
F. Baer, Wang, H. , Tribbia, J. J. , and Fournier, A. ,
“Climate Modeling with Spectral Elements ” ,
Monthly Weather Review , vol. 134, no. 12, pp. 3610 - 3624, 2006.
J. Dennis, Fournier, A. , Spotz, W. F. , St-Cyr, A. , Taylor, M. A. , Thomas, S. J. , and Tufo, H. ,
“High-Resolution Mesh Convergence Properties and Parallel Efficiency of a Spectral Element Atmospheric Dynamical Core ” ,
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications , vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 225 - 235, 2005.
K. A. Maasch, Oglesby, R. J. , and Fournier, A. ,
“Barry Saltzman and the Theory of Climate ” ,
Journal of Climate , vol. 18, no. 13, pp. 2141 - 2150, 2005.
A. Fournier, Taylor, M. A. , and Tribbia, J. J. ,
“The Spectral Element Atmosphere Model (SEAM): High-Resolution Parallel Computation and Localized Resolution of Regional Dynamics ” ,
Monthly Weather Review , vol. 132, no. 3, pp. 726 - 748, 2004.