William Rodi
  • Research Affiliate
  • PhD, Geophysics, Pennsylvania State U., 1989
Biographical Overview
Dr. Bill Rodi was a Principal Research Scientist in ERL/EAPS from 2001-2017 and remains a part of the lab as a Research Affiliate. He received a PhD in Geophysics from The Pennsylvania State University in 1989. Prior to joining ERL in 1990, he worked for eleven years as a research geophysicist at Maxwell Technologies (formerly S-Cubed) in San Diego, and for two years as a research scientist in the field of artificial intelligence at The George Washington University. Bill's primary research interest is geophysical inverse theory. His research focuses on numerical algorithms and methods of uncertainty analysis for nonlinear inverse problems in seismology and electromagnetics. Bill currently leads projects on seismic travel-time tomography and earthquake location applied to nuclear explosion monitoring.