
Michael Fehler
  • Research Affiliate
  • PhD, Geophysics, Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., 1979
  • BA Reed College, 1974
Biographical Overview
Michael Fehler is Research Affiliate in ERL/EAPS who previously served as a Senior Research Scientist and Associate Director of ERL. Since receiving his Ph.D at MIT in 1979, he has worked in the College of Oceanography at Oregon State University and Los Alamos National Laboratory where he was leader of the Geophysics Group and later the Division Director of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division. He was Technical Project Manager for two joint partnerships run by the SEG Advanced Modeling Project focusing on issues related to petroleum exploration and pore pressure prediction in deep water environments. He was Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America for nine years and subsequently was President of the Seismological Society of America from 2005-2007. He has coauthored two editions of a book on seismic wave propagation and scattering published in 1998 and 2012. He also coauthored a book on borehole seismology that was published in 2020. He has authored or coauthored more than 125 peer-reviewed papers. His interests include seismic imaging, reservoir characterization, seismic scattering, geothermal energy, and induced seismicity.
A. H. Shabelansky, Malcolm, A. , and Fehler, M. , Converted-wave seismic imaging: Amplitude-balancing source-independent imaging conditions, GEOPHYSICS, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. S99 - S109, 2017.
A. Fuad AlJishi, Poliannikov, O. V. , and Fehler, M. , Detection and Identification of Converted Modes and Shallow Structure Mapping in the Groningen Gas Field, SEG. 2017.
X. Fang, Zheng, Y. , and Fehler, M. , Fracture clustering effect on amplitude variation with offset and azimuth analyses, GEOPHYSICS, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. N13 - N25, 2017.
O. V. Poliannikov and Fehler, M. , Location of historic events at Groningen gas field, SEG. 2017.
H. Wang, Fehler, M. , and Miller, D. , Reliability of velocity measurements made by monopole acoustic logging-while-drilling tools in fast formations, GEOPHYSICS, pp. 1 - 30, 2017.
Y. Li, Wang, H. , Fehler, M. , and Fu, Y. , Wavefield characterization of perforation shot signals in a shale gas reservoir, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, vol. 267, pp. 31 - 40, 2017.
H. Wang and Fehler, M. , The wavefield of acoustic logging in a cased hole with a single casing—Part II: a dipole tool, Geophysical Journal International, pp. 1412 - 1428, 2017.
H. Wang and Fehler, M. , The wavefield of acoustic logging in a cased-hole with a single casing – Part I: a monopole tool, Geophysical Journal International, pp. 612 - 626, 2017.
Y. Zheng, Malallah, A. H. , Fehler, M. , and Hu, H. , 2D full-waveform modeling of seismic waves in layered karstic media, GEOPHYSICS, vol. 81, no. 2, pp. T115 - T124, 2016.
J. A. TenCate, Malcolm, A. E. , Feng, X. , and Fehler, M. , The effect of crack orientation on the nonlinear interaction of a P wave with an S wave, Geophysical Research Letters, no. 127-8262346162133, pp. 6146 - 6152, 2016.
W. Pan, Innanen, K. A. , Margrave, G. F. , Fehler, M. , Fang, X. , and Li, J. , Estimation of elastic constants for HTI media using Gauss-Newton and full-Newton multiparameter full-waveform inversion, GEOPHYSICS, vol. 81, no. 5, pp. R275 - R291, 2016.
H. Wang, Fehler, M. , Tao, G. , and Wei, Z. , Investigation of collar properties on data-acquisition scheme for acoustic logging-while-drilling, GEOPHYSICS, vol. 81, no. 6, pp. D611 - D624, 2016.
J. A. Da Silva, Poliannikov, O. V. , and Fehler, M. , Modeling scattering of cross-well seismic waves using Radiative Transfer Theory, SEG. 2016.
O. V. Poliannikov, Fehler, M. , and Rodi, W. , Quantifying the uncertainty in fault plane solutions inferred from S/P amplitude ratios, SEG. 2016.
Z. Li, Li, Y. E. , Fehler, M. , and Hu, G. , Regularized amplitude-versus-angle (AVA) inversion with travel time information, SEG. 2016.
H. Wang, Fehler, M. , and Miller, D. , Reliability of velocity measurements of monopole acoustic logging-while-drilling tool in fast formations, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016, Dallas, Texas, 2016.
A. Malcolm, Tencate, J. , and Fehler, M. , The role of cracks in the nonlinear interaction of a P-wave with an S-wave, SEG. 2016.
A. Malcolm and Fehler, M. , The role of cracks in the nonlinear interaction of a P-wave with an S-wave, SEG International Exposition and 86th Annual Meeting. 2016.
L. Wang, Zhao, Q. , Gao, J. , Xu, Z. , Fehler, M. , and Jiang, X. , Seismic sparse-spike deconvolution via Toeplitz-sparse matrix factorization, GEOPHYSICS, vol. 81, no. 3, pp. V169 - V182, 2016.
P. K. Kang, Zheng, Y. , Fang, X. , Wojcik, R. , McLaughlin, D. , Brown, S. , Fehler, M. , Burns, D. , and Jung, N. - H. , Sequential approach to joint flow-seismic inversion for improved characterization of fractured media, Water Resources Research, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 903 - 919, 2016.
H. Sato and Fehler, M. , Synthesis of wavelet envelope in 2-D random media having power-law spectra: comparison with FD simulations, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 207, no. 1, pp. 333 - 342, 2016.
D. Yang, Liu, F. , Morton, S. , Malcolm, A. , and Fehler, M. , Time-lapse full-waveform inversion with ocean-bottom-cable data: Application on Valhall field, GEOPHYSICS, vol. 81, no. 4, pp. R225 - R235, 2016.
X. Feng, Fehler, M. , Brown, S. , Burns, D. , Tencate, J. , Szabo, T. L. , and Liu, C. , Using co-propagating P waves to extract nonlinear elastic characteristics of rock, SEG. 2016.
H. Wang, Fehler, M. , and Miller, D. , The wavefield of acoustic logging in multiple casing models, SPWLA 57th Annual Symposium. 2016.
J. Li, Fehler, M. , Yang, D. , and Huang, X. , 3D weak-dispersion reverse time migration using a stereo-modeling operator, 2015.
